My friend,
Jessamie, did a post with her husband, and it was hilarious. Basically, she showed him a few pictures and wrote down everything that he said. It was such a great idea that I decided to try it out and see what Brett would say when I gave him a few pictures to critique. Here it goes...
I feel like I'm in a scene from Narnia. Is that a teepee? Yes, it is. And why is the ceiling made of plywood. That table is cool though.
1) Why is there a horse on the ottoman?
2)Why are there Lord of the Rings characters around the fireplace?
That plant is too big on the island, but whatever that appliance is on the left, I want it.
I don't even know what to say.
There are 4 different chairs, why?
Is that a dental light in the corner? Just wondering.
I want to live there.
This is the shortest room that I've ever seen, and the ceiling is about to cave in.
Well, that's cool. That's cool if I were 45, looked like Burt Reynolds, and had a mustache.
That rocker looks like a wheelchair in the corner. Don't we have that crib?
Not my favorite, but I'm sure you love the rug.
I really don't understand why there is SO much red. It's horrible.
I like the bed frame and end tables, but I feel like the chandelier is photoshopped into the picture.
Is this an optical illusion? That damn tree is bigger than anything else in that picture.
I really like the wall full of pictures. I've never seen that before.
That's the most awesome room I've ever seen in my life. I would just lay on that bed all day. That is a bed, right?
I really like that piece of furniture. Excuse me, the sink.
all images
Not sure about you all, but I got a kick out of this. How about that "sink" in the last image? Ha! He's too funny.